Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad announces retirement

Senator Kent Conrad (D) has announced that he will retire in 2012. In his own words Senator Conrad said: "After months of consideration, I have decided not to seek reelection in 2012. There are serious challenges facing our state and nation, like a $14 trillion debt and America's dependence on foreign oil. It is more important I spend my time and energy trying to solve these problems than to be distracted by a campaign for re-election" .
I believe that this gives the Republicans a greater chance of retaking the Senate in 2012 which is what I really think the main focus of 2012 should be. Don't get me wrong i do think that the the Presidency is important but i also think that it should take a back seat to reclaiming the Senate just because of Obama's strong campaigning skills and the the level of toughness that it takes to defeat an incumbent President. 

Regan Vs. Reagan

This week has been a bad week to be a Reagan. It all started when Ron Reagan Jr. went on 20/20 and said that  his father, former President Ronald Reagan, showed signs of Alzheimer's while he was still in office. Well that statement obviously didn't sit well with his half-brother conservative talk-radio host Michael Reagan who called his brother "an embarrassment to the family". Now i'm definitely not trying to pick sides in this one because i disagree politically with both of them, but I think Michael Reagan took this one WAY too far. Calling your brother an embarrassment to the family is one of the worst things that you can say. And doing it in the public arena is reprehensible. Coming from a family where I don't agree with either of my parents or siblings about anything politically i know that it doesn't help any to argue and say hurtful things. There is probably lots of bad blood in the family between these two that none of us know about and that's really the sad part because i know that that's not what Ronald Reagan would have wanted. I would hope that Michael can call his brother and apologize but I know that that will probably never happen.

Trump 2012?.... I HOPE SO!

The Donald just finished an interview with Neil Cavuto where he talked about the President Obama, U.S. trade with China and yes whether or not he will run for President in 2012. At the start of the Interview he commented on President Obama and China saying that Obama is way too soft on the Chinese and that he has Chinese business partners telling him all the time that they are laughing at the U.S. because our trade policy is so horrible. I happen to strongly agree with Mr. Trump on this issue and i think that Free Trade was one of the biggest killers to American manufacturers, I believe that a tax on Chinese imports would give American businesses a chance to compete more fairly with cheap labor countries. Now to the presidential rumors, Mr. Trump stated that he will decide whether to run for President or not by June. I really hope he does run because with Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, and Donald Trump that would put 3 RINO's into the race which would be great! =)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Poor, Poor Pawlenty

It was reported yesterday that former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty said that if he ever became President he would re-instate the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy which prohibits gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. This statement really surprises me and it shows that Pawlenty is now trying to appeal more to conservatives and it also proves that he is running for Pres. in 2012. I do understand that too run for President in the Republican Party u have to be liked by conservatives, but what i don't understand is why he would try to distance himself from his moderate base that he desperately needs and can't win without. If Pawlenty wants to be  just another "conservative" in the race then be my guest sir, but i believe that when the voting starts u will see the error of your decision.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Breaking... Reince Priebus elected as new chairman of the Republican Party

Former Wisconsin GOP Chair Reince Piebus has been elected as the new chairman of the RNC after 7 rounds of voting.

Palin in a Pickle

It just seems as if Sarah Palin's week cannot get any worse. After somehow being blamed for involvement in the Arizona shooting over the weekend, then her infamous"blood libel" speech, yesterday announcing that she will speak at a gun rights convention later this month, today Public Policy Polling has released a new poll showing her  
trailing in the early 2012 Republican Primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and Florida. Here are the results of their poll and some other polls they watch: 
In Iowa two different polls this week found that Palin is a distant third in Iowa. We found her 15 points behind Mike Huckabee with 15% support and Neighborhood Research found her 13 points behind Huckabee with only 11% support. In New Hampshire our most recent poll found her in a tie for third place at 10% with Newt Gingrich, 30 points behind Mitt Romney. A Magellan Strategies poll last week found her with a similarly larger deficit, in second place at 16%, 23 points behind Romney. In Nevada she's been in second place in one of our recent surveys and in third place in another, but at any rate she's running double digits behind Romney. And in Florida our most recent poll found her in a distant fourth place at only 13%, 10 points behind Huckabee, 8 behind Romney, and 5 behind Gingrich. 

Now as a Proud RIINO i'm not really a big fan of Sarah Palin, i respect her as a person and as a mother but i would not vote for her to be President of the United States. In if these poll numbers are accurate I won't have to worry about whether or not to vote for her anytime soon. 

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of TX Retiring

News broke yesterday evening that Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas (R) will not seek re-election in 2012. She was the first woman Senator in Texas history and has held her seat since 1993. Right now i think there are 3 front runners for this race: Billionaire Lt. Gov David Dewhurst,  Michael Williams Commissioner of the Texas Railroad Commission, and Attorney General Greg Abbott. Williams is the tea party favorite and Dewhurst is the longtime establishment republican. Texas is a conservative state so i don't even have to think about any RINO's having a chance at this seat(or democrats for that matter) so i am calling this race as a primary win for Commissioner Michael Williams with Lt. Gov David Dewhurst coming in second.